Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Welcome to Third Grade Weather Fun

Welcome parents and 3rd grade friends to Ms. Doty and Ms. Lancellotti's weather blog! We are extremely excited to be starting an engaging unit on Weather. Our weather unit will consist of many science experiments but also be incorporated into language and math. Our unit will consist of ten lessons planned and taught by both of us. We will start by generally introducing weather. What is weather? What types of weather can you think of? Following the introduction, we will teach a lesson on creating a daily weather calendar and how to keep up with it daily. We will then go into temperature, weather maps, as well as clouds and cloud types. After clouds, we will introduce weather storms such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.... After the introduction to storms, we will then conduct detailed lessons on tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards. Our unit will culminate with a lesson on climate around the world. The students will then be assigned a culminating group research project on climate.