Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Weather Lesson 6-Introduction to Weather Storms

Hello third grade friends and family,

Today was a great day in exploring weather. Today we learned about several different weather storms. I loved how the students worked together to brainstorm different storms and what they know about them. To learn more, we read selections from the book Storms by Seymour Simon. After reading the book, we created a class list on all the storms we know. The students then enjoyed being shown pictures of the various storms and recalling times when they experienced the storms themselves. The class then took responsibility for their learning. The students enjoyed working as teams to research a storm and create a poster to share with the class on the assigned storm. I loved watching the students work cooperatively and present their posters to the class. This was such a fun lesson! Students do not forget to discuss with your families your storm stories and record them in your journals!

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